05 Desember 2007


Gotta hang on till tomorrow.
Be strong!!
when i'm stuck with things so bad they almost make me swear, out loud.
edit to add:
some simple words like, "What a nice cardigan you wear," can make this confused girl smile.
:) the power of kindness and warmth is amazing...
Thanks mb vita... also for the union jack and the croissant... ^ ^

26 November 2007

andrea hirata di gramedia matraman:
sesak. perjuangan. patah hati. sahabat. mimpi.

It was a beautiful day. So beautiful that it hurts.

when I know that you're far, far away from here

From the first moment when I heard your name
Something in my heart came alive
You showed me love and no words could explain
A love with the power to
Open the door
To a world I was made for

And I watch as the cold winter melts into spring
And I'll be remembering you
Oh and I'll smell the flowers and hear the birds sing
and I'll be remembering you,
I'll be remembering You

The dark night, the hard fight
The long climb up the hill knowing the cost
The brave death, the last breathe
The silence whispering all hope was lost
The thunder, the wonder
A power that brings the dead back to life

I wish you could stay
But I'll wait for the day
And though you've gone away
You come back

And I watch as the cold winter melts into spring
And I'll be remembering you
Oh and I'll smell the flowers and hear the birds sing
and I'll be remembering you,
I'll be remembering You

And I'll watch as the sun fills a sky that was dark
And I'll be remembering you
And I'll think of the way that you fill up my heart
And I'll be remembering you

I'll be remembering you
I'll be remembering you
I'll be remembering you

I'll be remembering you...


The sun will come out, tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow, there'll be sun
Just thinkin' about, tomorrow
Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow
'til there's none

When I'm stuck with the day that's gray and lonely
I just stick out my chin and grin and say, ohhh
The sun will come out, tomorrow
So you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow
Come what may...

Tomorrow, tomorrow
I love ya, tomorrow
You're always a day away

The sun will come out, tomorrow
So you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow
Come what may...

Tomorrow, tomorrow
I love ya, tomorrow
You're always a day a--way!

Pagi ini aku menyanyikan lagu ceria ini, tapi air mata hampir berjatuhan di pipiku.

22 November 2007

ketika aku meninggalkan hp di rumah

Akhir-akhir ini sedang sangat bingung dengan berbagai pilihan yang bisa diambil. Harus surut pada kenyamanan atau berjuang menempuhi setiap kesulitan di depan? Atau yang sudah kumiliki sekarang, adalah yang terbaik? Oh God, show me the way...

Dan tadi aku membaca ringkasan buku Harun Yahya: Melihat Kebaikan di Segala Hal. Spirit lifting. Mengingatkanku untuk menyadari bahwa segala hal yang terjadi adalah untuk kebaikan kita, seberapapun buruk kelihatannya. Bahwa skenario Allah adalah yang terindah. Yang paling sempurna. Thus, we must be thankful...

Btw, baru saja aku mendapat amanat mengentry data. Seribu surat perhari. Dengan excel.
Sepertinya aku harus membeli half-moon spectacles itu.

Insyaallah Ahad ada talk show dengan Andrea Hirata di Gramedia Matraman. Dan ada festival kopi/teh di Ragunan. Wonder if Deedee's torn between her 'two lovers'. A tea addict, she is. (Saya mah manut aja dia pilih yang mana, meskipun hati kecil menjerit-jerit 'Aku ingin ketemu Ikal dan bertanya banyak hal mengingat sekarang aku sudah membaca bukunya dan Insya Allah paham dengan apa yang orang bicarakan...!!')

But there's something that makes me wonder... Nadya said she kept on trying to ask Miss Guritno for an event. Does it have something to do with this one? Berpikir positif, Booon...

Two of my friends came today. When they left, they left me a kind of sad feeling. It was only five minutes after they waved me goodbye, and I already miss them.

Duh, aku malas sekali menghafal angka sebelas sampai enam puluh. :( Bisa dilempari batu sama Mme Louisette (;_;)

Dan.. well... aku melanggar resolusi 'tidak menulis apapun di blog saat di kantor' dari artikel yang menyeramkan di Reader's Digest bulan ini.

buat dian:
apa ya.. sepertinya tadi ada banyak yang ingin kusampaikan padamu.
Sekarang tulisan ini jadi tidak cocok dengan judulnya.
Aku membaca blogmu, lho meskipun tidak bisa mereply.
Tapi mungkin kamu tidak akan membaca ini...

21 November 2007

oh, happy day!!

Hari ini, di meja kerja saya ada tiga karya Andrea Hirata... :)

15 November 2007

catatan pagi...

Sepagi ini semangatku sudah turun beberapa derajat. Ternyata perbedaan gender itu benar-benar ada. Ini membuatku sakit hati. Tidak hanya sedikit, tapi banyak. Karena berulang-ulang terjadi. Selalu seperti itu. Menyedihkan. Aku benci generalisasi dan pandangan bahwa cewek, bagaimanapun juga, tidak bisa diandalkan. Please, deh! Oh God, aku benar-benar emosi…

Tadi malam Padfoot mengirim beberapa pesan pendek yang panjang. Dreadful. Aku sangat mengerti kekhawatiran-kekhawatirannya itu (cara berpikir kami benar-benar mirip… Kusadari ini saat gath kemarin). Kami menerapkan standar yang terlalu tinggi untuk diri sendiri kadang-kadang. Dan aku nggak percaya kalau gadis ini tidak punya impian. I know her to well to believe it.

Merasa sedikit sedih bahwa Sang Pemimpi memberi efek seperti ini padanya. Seperti dementor saja… *faint smile*

Oke, spirit sudah kembali. Hari ini aku melihat sesuatu yang tampak seperti diambil dari salah satu scene MWPP dalam Harry Potter. I wish I could freeze that moment forever, the cheery smile that I saw. And when a worried thought struck me: Tidak, aku tidak akan mendahului nasib!

Pagi ini aku merasakan hangatnya sinar matahari, terkagum-kagum melihat bagaimana sebuah kenari jatuh dari pohonnya, dan takjub melihat seekor kucing hitam duduk di depan pintu masuk aula.

Dan kupikir, aku melihat Remus Lupin...

09 November 2007

untuk diriku sendiri:

...and for you, who has come by and read this... :)

wrong impression?

Baru saja membaca blognya Nadya. Sepertinya dia menjalani hari-hari dan kehidupan yang sangaat menyenangkan. Ada teman-teman yang bisa dikunjungi, membeli kaktus, mencicip-cicip es krim, berangkat kerja naik sepeda… Kapan ya aku bisa menikmati kehidupan yang manis seperti itu? *lagi-lagi terserang sindrom aku-benci-tinggal-di-kota-besar* Ah, sudahlah.

Anywaaay… Kadang-kadang membaca blog orang-orang membuat kita terbawa jadi sedih. Mungkin tulisanku juga membuat orang sedih, entahlah. Tapi blog Nadya selalu membuatku semangat untuk menjalani hidup. Bukankah sejak dulu ia memang dikaruniai kemampuan untuk itu? Membuat orang merasa hidup ini penuh tantangan, dan membuat mereka mau menempuhinya.

Bulan ini aku mulai belajar bahasa baru. Aaarghh!! Ini membuatku stress. Membuatku jerawatan!! Tapi ada juga sih, saat-saat di mana aku merasa keren karena (paling tidak) aku melakukan sesuatu, seperti Arai. Mungkin inspirasi itulah yang membuatku mau bertahan melalui setiap kata yang tulisan dan pengucapannya berbeda jauh itu. Aku nggak pernah menemui kesulitan seperti ini saat belajar bahasa sebelumnya…
Ah, aku harus berhenti mengeluh.

Baru saja aku membuka halaman kedua dari blognya Nadya dan KYAAA!!! Aku langsung histeris! Bagaimana tidak!! Ini yang ditulisnya:

o m g ...
he will be here on my birthday!
here, in this city, in this office, perhaps in this room...
he ... andrea hirata!
is this real?

Duuh, jadi pengin pulang…
Oh, the same old brand new me. Still so impulsive!!
Dan aku berlari ke koridor di dekat tangga, menelepon Nadya di sana. Karena di ruanganku ada tamu yang menunggu atasanku kembali dari meeting. Nggak mungkin kan, aku mengobrol dengan Nad tentang Laskar Pelangi di depan bapak-bapak ini.

Nadya pernah berjanji untuk mengirimkan tiga buku Andrea Hirata untukku. Dan dia bertanya, “Nanti di bukunya mau dikasih tulisan apa?”
Jawabku, “Pokoknya yang ada Arai-nya!”

Waktu itu, di ujung koridor ada Yunus dan Febri. Dan sepertinya aku sudah memberikan impresi yang salah… (Koridor di dekat tangga adalah tempat kau menelepon seseorang yang spesial dan kau tak ingin orang di ruanganmu tahu apa yang kalian bicarakan). Tentu saja, dalam hal Nadya itu spesial dan aku tak ingin orang di ruanganku (maksudku, kedua tamu itu) tahu apa yang kami bicarakan, ini benar. Tapi kan spesialnya dalam arti berbeda. Aku jadi sedikit sedih, sampai kapan ya aku harus berjuang menghadapi hal-hal seperti ini? Mungkin bagus kalau ditulis menjadi cerita.

Tapi kenapa aku begitu risau? Aku kan nggak melakukan apapun yang salah, Allah tahu itu. Oh ya, mencuri-curi waktu kerja untuk menelepon membahas tentang Andrea Hirata mungkin memang salah… Atau nggak, kalau aku sedang tidak ada pekerjaan? Mudah-mudahan saja ini nggak akan membawaku pada hal yang sedih lagi. Aku takut banget hal seperti dulu terjadi lagi…

Aku sedih… (Meskipun aku senang dengan adanya prospek mendapatkan buku yang ditandatangani Andrea =)…)

11 Oktober 2007

Hari-hari terakhir Ramadhan...

Hari ini hatiku terasa penuh. Penuh dengan rasa syukur atas hari-hari yang telah lewat, detik-detik yang membekaliku dengan pelajaran-pelajaran berarti sebagai bekal langkahku yang (jika Kau izinkan) masih panjang..

Mungkin Ramadhan kali ini bukan Ramadhan terbaikku. Mungkin aku belum mengupayakan segala yang kubisa. Masih banyak pula waktu yang berlalu tanpa arti. Masih banyak kesempatan terlewat saat kubiarkan rasa malas mengalahkanku. Masih banyak kenikmatan yang seharusnya kusyukuri namun kuabaikan. Maaf...

Tapi Ya Rabbi,
Terima kasih atas skenario terindah yang telah Kautulis untukku.
Terima kasih telah memberiku kesempatan untuk belajar menata hati dan perasaan. Meski pembelajaranku belumlah sempurna.
Terima kasih karena telah menghadirkan mereka yang menguatkan hatiku, menjadi teladan bagiku, dan memberiku impian-impian baru untuk diraih.

Terima kasih telah memberiku alasan untuk bertahan, dan kembali hidup.
Saat ini aku merasa bagaikan tunas kecil yang menyembul dari tanah yang merekah, penuh kehidupan, merasa silau oleh sinar matahari yang hangat dan terpukau oleh sejuknya embun. Aku ingin hidup, bertumbuh, menjadi tinggi dan mekar seindah-indahnya. Aku ingin melihat dunia...

Segala puji bagimu Ya Allah...

08 Oktober 2007

Laskar Pelangi: Smile!!

Hari Kamis, maghrib-maghrib Nina sms.
Bee, lu kudu nonton K!ck Andy ntar! Bout Laskar Pelangi!! Ada Andrea Hirata! Trus ada anak-anak Laskar Pelangi (sekarang). Jam 22.30.

Aku langsung sms Ambu, Dee (yang sangat Andreanis sekali ^ ^), dan Dian, Caro, Nad, Dina, Kay, Akbar, Ery, Nur… (Singkatnya mereka yang berpotensi untuk diajak menjadi Andreanist pula…).

Sekitar jam sepuluh, handphone-ku berbunyi. Kay.
“Bee! Bukan jam setengah sebelas! Sekarang! Untung aku lagi nonton Metro… bla bla bla…”
Hihi, padahal waktu itu di tempat Kay sudah jam dua belasan. Kali ini insomnianya Kay berguna ^ ^

Sms anak-anak lagi, deh ^ ^0

Jreng jreeng…
Terus mulai, deh, acaranya. Beberapa orang menceritakan pengalamannya, bagaimana Laskar Pelangi menginspirasi mereka untuk bertahan melewati masa-masa sulit. Tapi mana ya, Andrea Hiratanya?

Aaa, finally dia muncul!!
Waah, tapi kenapa hair style-nya jadi aneh begitu??
Ikaal.. kamu apakan rambutmu??
Mestinya belah tengah a la Tony Kuswoyo yang direkomendasikan Arai jauh lebih oke…!!

Diskusinya nggak sedalam ‘Bagaimana Jika Laskar Pelangi Difilmkan.’ Ringan. Mungkin karena sasarannya adalah khalayak ramai, dengan tujuan membuat mereka tertarik untuk membaca Laskar Pelangi. Kalau diskusi yang dulu kan pesertanya Andreanis semua. Makanya aku nggak ngerti sama sekali, mereka ini ngomongin apa ^ ^0 (waktu itu kan belum baca LP…)

Ada foto-foto Laskar Pelangi. Wawancara dengan para tokohnya sekarang. Ada Mahar, Samson, A Kiong… Hihi, kok jadi ingat Band of Brothers, ya ^ ^
Lalu, a surprise for Andrea, Ibu Muslimah tiba-tiba muncul… (Oleh-olehnya apa, coba? Kalung buah Aren, hwahahaha…)

Bagusnya, kali ini aku ngerti apa yang dibicarakan dan bisa ketawa-ketawa waktu Andrea ditanya, “Anda kan orang Belitung, kenapa namanya Andrea Hirata?” (Jawab Andrea, “Saya sudah ganti nama tujuh kali…” ^ ^0) Yang belum bisa ketawa baca ini, baca Edensor, ya *persuasif mode: ON*


The sweetest part of it, adalah sms Nadya sehari setelahnya.

Thanks Bonnie, untung kamu kasih tahu jadi aku isa nonton kemaren…

Dan sms Nadya lagi beberapa jam setelah itu:
Bon, aku ga tahu harus bilang apa. 22 Oktober ’07 aku mulai dipekerjakan di sebagai asisten editor di Bentang Pustaka, penerbitnya Laskar Pelangi.
Bon, aku nggak tahu harus bilang apa

Kya! Kyaa!! Nadya keren sekali!!
Ternyata, siangnya dia diwawancara, dan salah satu pertanyaannya adalah..
Mas Heri: “Tadi malam nonton?”
Nadya nan polos: “Nonton apa?”
Mas Heri: “Kick Andy.”
Nadya: “Nonton..”

Dan begitulah.

Aku langsung sms anak-anak lagi, ngasih tahu kabar baik ini dan bilang makasih buat infonya. Kay nan humble berkata, “Don’t thank me, I did nothing..” Nina dan Caro bilang, “I can’t stop smiling, Rou…”

It’s amazing, bagaimana hal-hal saling berkaitan seperti ini. A miracle. Dan sangat menyenangkan, ternyata, membuat orang lain tersenyum…

20 September 2007

dear secret admirer:

'have you had your time off today,
to have a cup of tea and smile away?'

dear secret admirer,

Be strong, okay :)
Everything's gonna be just fine...
If you just believe,
and I know that you believe..

dear secret admirer,
You're such a lucky person,
to have someone who can make you laugh (or try to, at least..)

When I hear your voice again, I want to hear your smile :)

19 September 2007

sad song..


I dont really know love

I didnt know it would come to me like this
My heart doesnt act like it wants to in front of my love

If I knew I was going to be like this,

I wouldn't have started in the first place
Like a fool, I am regretting this late

I wished that you wouldnt be my love
I wished that it wouldnt be you
You deceited me, telling me that its not love

I hoped that it would be a passing by fate

Because painful wounds will be left on me
But even when I know this, I am still greedy
It keeps getting me sad

I thought that it was a wrong start

I thought so easily
I believed that I could always call you

What should I do?

Where did it go wrong?
I need to avoid this love
But I yearn for everything about you

I wished that you wouldnt be my love

I wished that it wouldnt be you
You deceited me, telling me that its not love

I hoped that it would be a passing by fate

Because painful wounds will be left on me
But even when I know this, I am still greedy
It keeps getting me sad

Now if its not you, there is no meaning to anything

I can't contain myself anymore
The fact that I have to erase you
Today again,

It makes it even more hard..



It's one of Full House soundtracks, which I listen to so often lately.
Why do I feel that someone should sing this song for me..?

For me?
^ ^0 ahaha...

Poor little Rou... ~(=^. .^) ヾ(^^ ) *diddums*

go! traveling around!

This year's resolution: go traveling!

Nad responded this by excitedly persuading me to go to a sunflower field. Maybe what the moon saw inspired her. The funny thing is, we haven't known where the field exactly is ^ ^0

Imagine taking a walk on a bright summer day. Wearing jeans. When the sky's as blue as the sea. Wherever you see, you see sunflowers. Shades of yellow and green, dancing slowly in the wind.

Picture vanilla ice cream. Friends, laughing. And the faint sound of the train from afar...

I can't wait, I can't wait!! o(^^o)(o^^)o

And it was funny, too, what Dina said when I told her I got bored of wanting to go to a place but until now, I haven't been there.

"Well, don't think. Just go! The most important thing is that you've stepped your feet there, right?"

That's what she said. So it doesn't matter if I get lost or suffer from hunger or have to sleep in the park or unable to come back home, as long as I make it to that place.

Zany/beautiful. As she always is.
^ ^0...

14 September 2007

the copy machine

We’ve got a photocopier \(^ ^)/ !!
Everybody’s delighted with it, because now we don’t have to go to 12th floor to copy mails, documents, etc. It makes life easier. A lot easier.

But it also means no taking a walk around anymore, which was always helpful when I got so bored with my room :)…
Everything always have its bright and dark sides. Maybe that’s what makes everything balanced and harmonious.

I once saw a picture of a mangaka’s house, with the bedroom, and the office. She’d got her own fax and photocopier—which amazed me that day. I always think that it is just great to have your own copy machine at home. But I guess, a mangaka does need the copy machine (^ ^ it reminds me of a funny story Nadya wrote in her journal, about her little brother).

Since today I get extremely bored with everything (even seeing him only made me got more melancholic), I’m gonna pretend that I am a mangaka or a writer who has a copy machine in her office, which is in her own house >:)

Such a weird thought ^ ^;
I always find such way to run away from reality. Because it bites ^ ^p

12 September 2007

Japanese Smiley

Nadya asked me to teach her more Japanese smileys since little does she know about them. Really, Nadya? I think you're only being humble ^ ^

I myself only know some. But there's this nice website where you can find lots of cute Japanese smileys. And here's the other, which is more simple.

Well, hope it helps.

Annyeong hikyeshipseyo.. (^_^)/~~

11 September 2007

Dream, North Point

in the middle of the night, a dream woke me up
it was not very good dream, maybe it's my nightmare
when I started my day, it still stuck in my head
and that thing ruined my day, made my head spin around

but why should I believe my dream would come true?
and I don't have any reason to believe
that all of my dreams will come true.

--Dream, Mocca

It was half sweet dream, half nightmare. And it was a sad one, making me feel bad when I got up, cursing aloud.

Even in my dream, why you never stop being so selfish?

The lyrics above really fitted with the condition of my mind this morning.
But when I--by a good chance--met him and know that he was just fine, I felt relieved ^_^

Why should I believe that my dream would come true?

Btw, Nina finally bought Laskar Pelangi. So glad to know that she did. It proves that I can be very persuasive sometimes ^ ^

And I found Banana Yoshimoto's journal!

So simple, with a picture on every page.
And now I'm dying to read her other stories (though NP is rather terrifying for me--it's about suicide and it's dark--I always love her Kitchen).

And I found this on the FAQ section:

Q. Many depressive things are happening today. How do you think we should live at this time?

A. The only thing that we should have in mind is not to use our time to fear. And we should prepare some specific countermeasures to some extent. There is nobody who has no fear about the future. Thus we should do what we can do now, instead of just worrying about the future in vain. That's what I truly think. One other thing we should do is to look for some friends with similar sensitivity.

Interesting :)

If you want to read the journal or just wonder who Banana Yoshimoto is and why I always talk about her and admire her so, do visit www.yoshimotobanana.com

Much more later,

Ciao :)

10 September 2007

a perfect 'birthday'

Thanks to Friendster, few days ago I received some birthday greetings. It was kinda funny because it wasn't even my birthday ^ ^ But it was nice, knowing that people cared about you. Finally Friendster did me some good. Well, it's about time, actually, considering how many times it broke my heart in the past ^_^

If it had been my birthday, how wonderful it would've been. Because that day, I left my office hurrily and some half an hour later, found myself in the middle of Jalan M.H. Thamrin, soaking wet and extremely confused about how I was going to go home. Because it was raining hard, and there was a problem with my bus (and I was kicked out of it :( ), and not to mention this traffic jam...

Well, I finally decided to buy a ticket of Trans Jakarta and had to wait for quite long time before the bus arrived. That was when I found that someone in front of me prayed. Yes, he prayed.

An image of a girl wearing blue veil came across my mind. A sight of her praying while outside the room rain pouring down heavily. My bestfriend in college used to pray when it rained heavily. Because it's one of the times when our prayers are most heard..

So I bowed my head and prayed, too.
For I have a lot of dreams that I wish would come true ^ ^
*who doesn't, anyway?*

Finally, the bus came.
And as I stood there, feeling so cold, I looked out the window and wondered, why everything always looks so beautiful and romantic from behind Trans Jakarta's windows.

31 Agustus 2007

when summer ends, another story begins

I remember...
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
I remember...
When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

Do you remember..?
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And I remember.. When my father thought you were a burglar
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

I remember..
The way you read your books, yes I remember
The way you tied your shoes, yes I remember
The cake you loved the most, yes I remember
The way you drank your coffee, I remember

The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember
When we were dancing in the rain in that december..

And the way you smiled at me,
yes I remember...

--I Remember, Mocca

I'm not wishing or anything. I'm not looking for the sunlight out of this cloudy morning.
Maybe Kay's right, I'm too sceptical.

But I would vow to myself. That having this feeling for you doesn't mean pain in my heart.

You're a good friend of mine, and I am remembering you.

30 Agustus 2007

kisses and cakes

This morning, I saw the granddaughter of my landlord kissed her grandma's cheeks before she went to school. I felt so... envious. My family's just so far I won't be able to have such warmth, no matter how badly I want it. I really want to kiss my grandma's cheek before I go to work, too. And my mom, of course. And a little hug from Dad surely won't hurt.

I sound so sad, don't I? My heart breaks a little as I'm writing this.
But just now, two faces came across my mind and I realize that I am not the only one feeling this way. How can I complain like this while I'm still able to go home and meet them once a month, if I want to. I mean, I'm not living in my country's eastern zone, right? (And speaking of zone, yesterday my boss told me it's okay if I want to join the dinas luar so I'd be able to know what Sumatra's like. Oh, surely I want to know what it is like. Been dreaming of going to Aceh for years, and I'd love to try kue lapis in Lampung which looks so delicious.)

And then, faces reappears in my mind. I remember my friends, and how far they are now, from me and their beloved ones, and how they struggle with this... So I came to this conclusion, that in this loneliness, I am not alone.

* * *

It seems like Surya and I have to read/learn more about the tata persuratan, considering how (bad) we were scolded ^ ^;
Gonna get through Prajab all over again?
^ ^o
Not without you...

* * *

Now, the bahasa section.

bakery yang oke itu yang...
1. mau dibayar dengan sistem kredit (kadang-kadang kantor kesulitan mendapat dana cair)
2. menunya variatif, ada kue yang asin, ada pula yang manis. Setiap hari diganti, ada kue lapis, soes kering, eclair, lemper... Jangan roti manis teruuss... bosaan...
3. kuenya dibuat dalam ukuran kecil, dengan bentuk dan dekorasi yang cantik... jangan besar-besar dan berat, soalnya snack rapat kan cuma buat pengganjal perut, bukan sesuatu yang berat dan bikin ngantuk ^ ^

Hihi, girls' talk banget ya. Harapan konsumen ini, yang terlalu sering rapat dan terlalu sering makan lemper sampai mukanya udah kaya lemper, hehehe.. *hiperbolis*
Well, aku sih nggak sering... :)

Speaking of snack, snack waktu diskusi 'Bagaimana Jika Laskar Pelangi Difilmkan' itu manis/cute banget ^ ^


I lie awake beside the window still
like a flower in a vase
a moment caught in glass

the rays of sunshine come and beckon me
to a sleepy dreamy haze
a sense of summer days

If only I could stop the flow of time
turn the clock to yesterday
erasing all the pain

I've only memories of happiness
such pleasure we have shared
I'd do it all again

The scenery is evergreen
as buds turn into leaves, the colours live and breathe
the scenery is evergreen
your tears are falling silently

so full of joy, you are a child of spring
with a beauty that is pure
an innocence endures

You flow right through me like a medicine
bringing quiet to my soul
without you I'm not whole

the scenery is evergreen
I need you far too much, I long to feel your touch
the scenery is evergreen
you've always been so dear to me

the scenery is evergreen
the sorrows at the sight of seeing you so sad
this scenery is evergreen
I wish that i could dry your tears

The bells have rung, the time has come
I cannot find the words to say my last goodbye
the scenery is evergreen
you've always been so dear to me.

english translation

^ ^ Most people hate it when someone only post lyrics on their blog.
But sometimes it's nice to do.
I personally, liked this song even when I had no idea what was in it. And it turned out to be so sad, just the same as the melody. Inspiring, for me who love sad stories (though don't really wish I'd experience one ^-^ )

* * *

Which HP Kid Are You?

I was taken aback to know that I am most likely like Harry Potter.
But I shouldn't have, considering I always play James in my during-the-class-and-holiday chat with my bestfriend (she's Sirius). And everyone says to Harry that, "You're so like your father," or something like that.

If you'd like to find out which Harry Potter kid are you, go to http://pages.prodigy.net/hpdevo/quiz/

Much more later.

