30 Agustus 2007

kisses and cakes

This morning, I saw the granddaughter of my landlord kissed her grandma's cheeks before she went to school. I felt so... envious. My family's just so far I won't be able to have such warmth, no matter how badly I want it. I really want to kiss my grandma's cheek before I go to work, too. And my mom, of course. And a little hug from Dad surely won't hurt.

I sound so sad, don't I? My heart breaks a little as I'm writing this.
But just now, two faces came across my mind and I realize that I am not the only one feeling this way. How can I complain like this while I'm still able to go home and meet them once a month, if I want to. I mean, I'm not living in my country's eastern zone, right? (And speaking of zone, yesterday my boss told me it's okay if I want to join the dinas luar so I'd be able to know what Sumatra's like. Oh, surely I want to know what it is like. Been dreaming of going to Aceh for years, and I'd love to try kue lapis in Lampung which looks so delicious.)

And then, faces reappears in my mind. I remember my friends, and how far they are now, from me and their beloved ones, and how they struggle with this... So I came to this conclusion, that in this loneliness, I am not alone.

* * *

It seems like Surya and I have to read/learn more about the tata persuratan, considering how (bad) we were scolded ^ ^;
Gonna get through Prajab all over again?
^ ^o
Not without you...

* * *

Now, the bahasa section.

bakery yang oke itu yang...
1. mau dibayar dengan sistem kredit (kadang-kadang kantor kesulitan mendapat dana cair)
2. menunya variatif, ada kue yang asin, ada pula yang manis. Setiap hari diganti, ada kue lapis, soes kering, eclair, lemper... Jangan roti manis teruuss... bosaan...
3. kuenya dibuat dalam ukuran kecil, dengan bentuk dan dekorasi yang cantik... jangan besar-besar dan berat, soalnya snack rapat kan cuma buat pengganjal perut, bukan sesuatu yang berat dan bikin ngantuk ^ ^

Hihi, girls' talk banget ya. Harapan konsumen ini, yang terlalu sering rapat dan terlalu sering makan lemper sampai mukanya udah kaya lemper, hehehe.. *hiperbolis*
Well, aku sih nggak sering... :)

Speaking of snack, snack waktu diskusi 'Bagaimana Jika Laskar Pelangi Difilmkan' itu manis/cute banget ^ ^

3 komentar:

reflektif mengatakan...

what a nice privilege you have to go 'dinas' in Sumatra... I'm envious T_T

i love this blog....

btw, how many blog do you have actually? (hehehe...)

rou mengatakan...

Nadya, you made my job seems fabulous :D , hahaha..

Glad that you love my blog, thank you..

I have a few (a feeew... really.. ;p ).
Well, start from now, I will only write here. And in the-flight, hopefully ^ ^

reflektif mengatakan...

Bonita, check this out!
sumber hidangan
What do you think?
Maybe you've been there?